All Music Lessons are from nine am to seven pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday morning's can be arranged. All lessons are held in a relaxed atmosphere, in comfortable surroundings.
Twenty four hours notice of cancelation must be given on lessons or half hour lesson fee will have be charged.
Guitar Lessons

Electric Guitar
Learn to play lead and rhythm guitar. You will be playing both as we move through the course. From instrumentals to accompaniments to pop and rock classics. When you're up to speed we will bring in the drums to give you that full band sound.
Learn how to use effect pedals. These really change the sound of your guitar.Improvisation techniques: For example; Learn how to play solos without going out of tune and how to get different sounds from your Guitar with the use of Capos

Acoustic Guitar
Ideal for beginners starting on guitar. Learn how to tune both manually and with an electric tuner. Get you up and running with chords on your first lesson, followed by strumming techniques and finger picking styles. Learn how to use tablature. Most guitar music is now written this way, so you can read music instantly.
Bass guitar
Primarily aimed at the beginner. Start playing on your first lesson. Learn to play with and without a plectrum. After a few lessons you will be playing along with a guitar and drum accompaniment. Remember, if you have always wanted to play and you don't own a bass guitar why not have some lessons to see if it's for you.

Piano Lessons
Learn to play chords on the piano in your first lesson and get straight into playing pop songs. This is the quickest way to start playing. However, if you wish to learn to read music, you will be taught step by step on theory and technique. Before you know it you will have finished your first book of songs.

Understand how to construct chords the easy way. Learn scales chord inversions and notes on both staves. The step by step books include fun quizzes to test you as you work your way through the piano course.
CDs to accompany all of the piano books can be purchased for £5.00 each. Piano tutoring books cost £7.00 each.
Finally.... Did you know that It has been scientifically proven that playing an instrument is a very good way of exercising the brain.Both adults and children benefit greatly from this, as playing and reading music multitasks the brain. Get ready to pass those exams with flying colours!
For Guitar Lessons, Piano Lessons Ring Mansfield Music